Hello all, I'm hoping someone can help me solve this issue.
So I followed the AMON 2024 guide for overhauling skyrim which can be found here:
Through out, I also downloaded some mods that were not included in the list such as large quest mods (Falskaar, Forgotten City, etc..) and some gameplay mods that I feel you cannot play Skyrim without (Ordinator, Valhalla Combat etc...)After running the game several times, I had no issue. I could play for hours quite easily without any crash issues. However, all of a sudden I'm getting a consistent crash after going through the Skyrim Unbound process. It seems to always happen after a certain plugin is loaded by the game but what that plugin is, I don't have the foggiest idea.
I have attached my mod-list, Crash Log and a Crash Log Analyzer. These personally don't make any sense to me.
Hope someone can get to the bottom of this for me.
Crash Log Analyzer: (Because for some reason, I can't upload the file)
CLA SSE - Sephs Skyrim Experimental Crash Log Analyzer (1.2.0) / 2023.09.10
If you are asking others for assistance / help, ALWAYS provide the crashlog as well!
Crashlog Tool: CrashLoggerSSE v1-14-1-0 May 18 2024 23:00:58
Game Version: 1.6.1170
Script Extender: 1.6.1170
RAM Total: 15.91 GB
RAM Used: 11.28 GB
RAM Free: 4.63 GB
Analysis RAM (all good):
It is absolute unlikely that the crash was due to RAM.
Mod Count:
Light: 63 Regular: 218 Total: 281
Header indicators:
Memory: 0x7FF65DD1E296 count: (2)
File: SkyrimSE.exe count: (52)
Address: 02DE296 count: (2)
Assembler: cmp byte ptr [rax+0x1A], 0x1D count: (2)
[ 0] 0x7FF65DD1E296 SkyrimSE.exe+02DE296 -> 19578+0x6 cmp byte ptr [rax+0x1A], 0x1D -//- count: (1)
[ 1] 0x7FF65DF1AF68 SkyrimSE.exe+04DAF68 -> 30851+0xA8 test al, al -//- count: (1)
[ 2] 0x7FF65DF1AEA8 SkyrimSE.exe+04DAEA8 -> 30850+0x18 add rsp, 0x28 -//- count: (1)
[ 3] 0x7FF65EBEBA55 SkyrimSE.exe+11ABA55 -> 90542+0x405 test al, al -//- count: (1)
[ 4] 0x7FF65EBED46D SkyrimSE.exe+11AD46D -> 90578+0x6D mov r9d, esi -//- count: (1)
[ 5] 0x7FF65EBEC13C SkyrimSE.exe+11AC13C -> 90544+0x2AC movzx esi, al -//- count: (1)
[ 6] 0x7FF65EBE4020 SkyrimSE.exe+11A4020 -> 90441+0x90 movzx ebx, al -//- count: (1)
[ 7] 0x7FF65EC285EE SkyrimSE.exe+11E85EE -> 91717+0xBE movzx r13d, al -//- count: (1)
[ 8] 0x7FF65EC2809C SkyrimSE.exe+11E809C -> 91713+0x24C mov rcx, rsi -//- count: (1)
[ 9] 0x7FF65DF32266 SkyrimSE.exe+04F2266 -> 31483+0xA6 movzx esi, al -//- count: (1)
[10] 0x7FF65EBDCDA8 SkyrimSE.exe+119CDA8 -> 90396+0x128 movzx esi, al -//- count: (1)
[11] 0x7FF65EC17E18 SkyrimSE.exe+11D7E18 -> 91414+0x148 cmp byte ptr [rdi+0x88], 0x00 -//- count: (1)
[12] 0x7FF65E740EDB SkyrimSE.exe+0D00EDB -> 69617+0xCB cmp [rbx+0x08], r14b -//- count: (1)
[13] 0x7FF65E741006 SkyrimSE.exe+0D01006 -> 69620+0x16 mov rcx, rbx -//- count: (1)
[RSP+0 ] 0x7FF65DF1AF68 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04DAF68 test al, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+60 ] 0x7FF65DF19DEC (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04D9DEC movzx eax, sil) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+80 ] 0x7FF65DF19C13 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04D9C13 movzx eax, dil) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+F0 ] 0x7FF65DF1AEA8 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04DAEA8 add rsp, 0x28) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+120 ] 0x7FF65EBEBA55 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11ABA55 test al, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+198 ] 0x7FF65F1A8160 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1768160 sbb bh, cl) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+1A8 ] 0x7FF65F1A8160 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1768160 sbb bh, cl) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+2C0 ] 0x7FF65EBED46D (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11AD46D mov r9d, esi) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+2F0 ] 0x7FF65EBEC13C (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11AC13C movzx esi, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+340 ] 0x7FF65EBE4020 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11A4020 movzx ebx, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+360 ] 0x7FF65DF228FE (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E28FE mov r9, [rsi]) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+390 ] 0x7FF65DF208B0 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E08B0 mov rdx, [rdi+0x68]) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+410 ] 0x7FF65DF21DE3 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E1DE3 mov r8d, eax) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+440 ] 0x7FF65F1B6840 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1776840 jo 0x00007FF65F1B68B2) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+460 ] 0x7FF65DF21166 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E1166 mov ebx, [rbp+0x18]) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+4C0 ] 0x7FF65EBE4C99 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11A4C99 nop) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+4D0 ] 0x7FF65DF2272A (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E272A mov r9d, esi) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+668 ] 0x7FF65F47D518 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1A3D518 int 0xBE) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+6C0 ] 0x7FF65FA70718 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+2030718 fisubr [rbp+0xEFBE]) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+828 ] 0x7FF65F1B6840 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1776840 jo 0x00007FF65F1B68B2) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+830 ] 0x7FF65E706ED7 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0CC6ED7 mov [rbx+0x08], rax) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+840 ] 0x7FF65F1B6840 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1776840 jo 0x00007FF65F1B68B2) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+8A0 ] 0x7FF65F1B6840 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1776840 jo 0x00007FF65F1B68B2) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+8D0 ] 0x7FF65EC285EE (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11E85EE movzx r13d, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+9F0 ] 0x7FF65DF18A83 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04D8A83 mov rcx, rax) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+A30 ] 0x7FF65EC27CE4 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11E7CE4 add rsp, 0x38) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+A70 ] 0x7FF65EC2809C (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11E809C mov rcx, rsi) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+AA0 ] 0x7FF65F47D110 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1A3D110 ) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+AB8 ] 0x7FF65F47D110 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1A3D110 ) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+B00 ] 0x7FF65DF32266 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04F2266 movzx esi, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+B30 ] 0x7FF65F483118 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+1A43118 and bh, dl) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+B50 ] 0x7FF65EC1B100 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11DB100 mov [rcx], rax) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+B70 ] 0x7FF65EBDCDA8 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+119CDA8 movzx esi, al) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+BE0 ] 0x7FF65EC17E18 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+11D7E18 cmp byte ptr [rdi+0x88], 0x00) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+CD0 ] 0x7FF65E740EDB (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0D00EDB cmp [rbx+0x08], r14b) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+D00 ] 0x7FF65E741006 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+0D01006 mov rcx, rbx) -//- count: (1)
SkyrimSE.exe 0x7FF65DA40000 -//- count: (1)
SkyrimSE.exe: count: (52)
This file on its own is not the cause, however, we'll do further parsing...
Could not find any known issues related to SkyrimSE.exe.
SkyrimSE.exe _might_ be listed for the sole reason of... you're playing this game!!
mesh: count: (3)
Some generic mesh issue, yet to be defined...
If there are any 'indent' lines, they might give a more precise of what _could_ be the reason.
-- This is beta detection, and might not be accurate --
-- This is showing previous lines 1 & 2, and is considered WIP --
[RSP+E8 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+E8 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+E0 ] 0x152F61C8080 (PathingDoor*)
[RSP+2D8 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+2D8 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+2D0 ] 0x32B79FF9A8 (BSPathBuilder*)
[RSP+300 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+300 ] 0x32B79FF4E0 (BSPrecomputedNavmeshInfoSearch*)
[RSP+2F8 ] 0x0 (size_t) [0]
[RSP+3E0 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+3E0 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+3D8 ] 0xC450AAEAC6C1347D (size_t) [uint: 14145994354904347773 int: -4300749718805203843]
FormType: NavMesh (73)
FormType: NavMesh (73)
FormID: 0x000C64C2
[RSP+3F8 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+3F8 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+3F0 ] 0x7FF600000002 (size_t) [140694538682370]
[RSP+4D8 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+4D8 ] 0x1532DAB6228 (NavMesh*)
[RSP+4D0 ] 0x7FF65DF2272A (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+04E272A mov r9d, esi)
tbbmalloc.dll: count: (2)
Threading Building Blocks Memory Allocator
This is either part of:
- the CreationKit Fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20061
- the Engine Fixes (part 2): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230
I do recommend to use Engine Fixes (pick 'part 1' according to your SKSE)
This message is shown without a check:
Make sure to disable: SrtCrashFix64.dll (Animation Limit Crash fix SSE) as this is handled by the Engines Fixes, which is recommended to use!
Either way, make sure to have the 'latest' version variant for your Skyrim edition.
However, this probably is not the cause, but the causing mod relies on excessive memory handling.
First and foremost, try to close any other application and background processes that might be running that you do not need.
Like, but not limited to, game launchers, web browsers with 20 open tabs, Spotify, even Discord.
Also, you might want to consider using lower texture mods, aka, use a 2k instead of a 4k texture mod, or just a 1k texture.
If the above did not help, you could try apply these config tweaks to: __Skyrim.ini___
Make sure to comment out (#) any existing variants of these, so you can go back if they dont help or make things worse.
This is most applicable if you're using 4-8 GB ram or less, you game addicted freak! (said the guy who was playing WoW raids at 3 fps).
Last but not least, increasing your pagefile is a good and simple way to avoid this.
Best practice: pagefile-size > RAM
Example: 24 GB > 16 GB RAM
Please read / follow:
1. In the Taskbar Search, type “Advanced System“. ...
2. In System Properties, click Advanced tab.
3. In Performance section click Settings button.
4. Performance Options will open. ...
5. Here, under Virtual memory, select Change.
6. Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
7. Select a Drive that hardly use (as in not often)
8. Set manual size
9. Set value to ~ 150% of your RAM (as shown in example)
10. Confirm with "OK".
If you want to read more about (allthough, not related to sharepoint server):
Modified by: count: (6)
These are only listed as additional hints for probably debugging. If you have no other indicators, this might be worth investigating.
If you do have other indicators, try to solve those first!
That said, it is common to have 2-4 mods listed in a row, however,
lists of 5 or more _might_ cause issues by the sheer amount of what possibly could be overwritten several times.
Chance: LOW (1)
Modified by: Falskaar.esm -> SFCO3-Addons - Falskaar patch.esp -//- count: (6)
DynDOLOD.esm: count: (1)
There is a chance that this might cause a CTD when changing locations.
Specificly when passing a door of some sorts, can cause the game its AUTO-SAVE to be triggered, because the scripts were not done when its called and thus make the game stall.
To avoid that, it is recomended to DISABLE Autosave in game settings.
If that does not help, please report to either:
https://stepmodifications.org/forum/forum/223-dyndolod-xlodgen/ for a more detailed investigation.
Success Statistic: (this has been detected/handled, does not mean it's the cause)
Issues Found: 5
Issues Solved: 5
DEBUG State:
Culprit list content: (just a list)
SkyrimSE.exe, mesh, tbbmalloc.dll, Modified by, DynDOLOD.esm,
Random 'Fallback' Checks
How to read these results?
- They are simple keywords that may appear when you have a lot of issues.
- They do NOT have to mean anything.
- Only if the "regular" results / solutions do not help, they might provide an indication to the reason for this crash.
File: "DBM_Falskaar_Patch.esp" -//- count: (3)
File: "Falskaar.esm" -//- count: (10)
File: "SFCO3-Addons - Falskaar patch.esp" -//- count: (6)
File: "Skyrim.esm" -//- count: (4)
File: "Strongholds - Dushnikh Yal 2.0.esp" -//- count: (3)
Name: "Freya" -//- count: (4)
Name: "Water's Edge Trader" -//- count: (7)
GetFullName: "Water's Edge Trader" -//- count: (1)
Name: "Wooden Door" -//- count: (4)
FormID: 0xFE0D2873 -//- count: (3)
FormID: 0x1F1725A4 -//- count: (4)
FormID: 0x1F036037 -//- count: (2)
EditorID: "FSDocksWatersEdgeTrader" -//- count: (6)
FormID: 0x1F0A0D57 -//- count: (6)
FormID: 0x00029CB0 -//- count: (4)
FormID: 0x1F0A0D5B -//- count: (2)
FormID: 0x1F0A0D5C -//- count: (2)
FormID: 0x000C64C2 -//- count: (3)
[RSP+CB8 ] 0x7FF660CB1080 (BSWin32TaskletManager*) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+CF0 ] 0x7FF660CB1080 (BSWin32TaskletManager*) -//- count: (1)
[RSP+D08 ] 0x7FF660CB1080 (BSWin32TaskletManager*) -//- count: (1)
crash-2024-08-31-10-31-58.log loadorder.txt